Creating the next generation of physician-scientists in India.
IISc is creating the next generation of physician-scientists in India by fostering interdisciplinary research, to address the healthcare needs of the world


Excellence in Clinical Research and Medical Technology

• Quality and Affordable Healthcare for all
• Service with Empathy
• Empower the Patients

Our mission is to realize our vision by:
- Impact health of “next” 7 billion people on the planet
- Foster interdisciplinary research to address healthcare needs
- Create new generation of physician-scientists
- Enable translation through medtech industry & start-ups
- Partner with other stakeholders to pioneer new healthcare models
Message from the Director

Established in 1909, the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is India’s premier institute for advanced scientific and technological research and education. It has conceived and nurtured several critical national endeavors, including the space and nuclear programmes. For decades, the Institute has also laid special emphasis on interdisciplinarity – research is not restricted to departmental silos and large-scale cross-disciplinary efforts have been greatly encouraged.
In recent years, we have grown to realize that we should also divert our efforts towards clinical research for social good, particularly for the ‘next 7 billion’ people in developing and under-developed regions. With this goal in mind, we plan to establish a one-of-a-kind postgraduate medical school and an 800-bednot-for-profit hospital, named the Bagchi-Parthasarathy Hospital, in our Bengaluru campus.
At the Tata IISc Medical School, we plan to offer unique cross-disciplinary research training programmes, including a dual degree MD-PhD (MS-PhD), and new specializations such as Digital Health, Precision Medicine, and Medical Informatics. A healthcare and medical technologies incubator will also be established. The hospital is expected to be a paperless digital hospital by leveraging appropriate IT infrastructure.
To develop next-generation healthcare technologies, vaccines and diagnostics, especially in this post-COVID-19 era, we need to blend basic science and engineering with clinical science. We also need an environment where scientists and doctors can work together to bring problems from the clinic to the lab and develop solutions that can be taken back to the clinic. The gap between innovation and practice is daunting in the context of health sciences, and the only way to bridge this is through purposeful clinical research, rooted deeply in basic sciences and technology.
Imagine these innovations arising from the Tata IISc Medical School: new classes of antibiotics against bacterial and viral diseases, implantable electrode arrays for neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, nanorobots for targeted drug delivery to treat cancer, AI-enabled genomics for diagnosis of rare genetic disorders and treatment regimens for such disorders, implantable artificial pancreas for treating diabetes, treatments for inflammatory diseases, and integrative medicine for holistic well-being – all discovered, invented and nurtured in India for local and global benefit.
Our fondest hope is that the Tata IISc Medical School will catalyze a transformation in the country by blending science, engineering and medicine to bring quality and affordable healthcare to all. We aspire to develop a model of clinical research and training that can be emulated across the country. We also seek to set the tone for sustainable healthcare goals and policies for the entire nation.